Thursday, April 22, 2010

Green Thoughts: Importance of Green Organizing

Originally posted at

In past posts, we looked at the different ways to gain support from individuals and businesses large and small and how to involve them in the creation of green jobs. The following videos will discuss why support for green energy is critical not only for the environment and our communities but also for businesses, their employees and ultimately the nation's economy. All of the videos included were recorded at a panel held at the 2010 Pennsylvania Progressive Summit, called "Effective Advocacy for Clean Energy Jobs Legislation". The panel is more or less hosted by Repower America as all the panelists were Repower America employees.

In the first video, Benjamin Freed of Repower America explains why his organization specifically focuses on business for support and the benefits that can be gained from them. And then in the two following videos, Alicia Gurdus of Repower America explains Repower America's Field Program's objectives as well as the difficulties are brought up when issue campaigning and how Repower America's objectives

For more info on the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit, please go to

For more Green Thoughts on Thursday clean energy posts, please go to
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