Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Si Se Puede! Sights and Sounds of the Immigration Rally on Washington DC Mar 21st 2010

On the very day that the historic healthcare bill was passed in the house, reportedly over a hundred thousand people gathered for a rally on the National Mall in Washington DC. Though I have heard some think that this is unfortunate planning, since much of the news and media were obviously focused on the epic legislative action. But I take a different approach, whether plastered on daytime cable news all day or not, having the rally on the same day sends a message that we should celebrate, but that the work is not over. Health Care reform is one of several major issues that need addressing (in addition to our financial regulatory system, our Education system, and our Green Energy Policy to name a few). But the turnout on the mall on Sunday is be evidence that Immigration Reform is an issue that is of critical importance to many people in America and can not wait to be addressed.

This was only the beginning of a major push across the country to enact meaningful immigration reform. There is a lot still to happen, so keep coming back to for more information and grassroots coverage of the effort as it progresses.