Tuesday, March 23, 2010

David Sirota Personally Delivering Public Option Petition Tomorrow Morning

David Sirota just sent out this press release:
Contact: Jenny Godehn – Promotions Director
Clear Channel Colorado - 4695 S. Monaco St.
Phone: (720) 373-0301 Fax: (303) 713-8424


Denver, CO, March 23rd, 2010. . .AM 760 host David Sirota will be making a visit to Senator Michael Bennet’s office tomorrow at 11am to personally deliver him a petition tomorrow demanding he introduce a public-option amendment to the current health care reform bill.

Earlier this year, Senator Michael Bennet sent a letter demanding Senate leaders use reconciliation to create a government-run insurer to compete with private insurance. For this, he received a lot of media attention and praise from media outlets including AM 760. After President Obama signed the major portion of the health care reform this week, the Senate will have a chance this week to vote on a separate reconciliation bill in which Senator Bennet will have the opportunity to offer a public option amendment.

Progressives intend to hold Bennet to his promise and have produced a petition signed by 35,000 Americans in just 4 days demanding Bennet fulfill his public option pledge.

Right now, the public option amendment could pass with 51 Senate votes thanks to reconciliation procedures. The House has already passed a public option in the past. As a standalone bill, the public option would likely require 60 votes and likely wouldn’t pass.

In Michael Bennet’s own words: “A strong public option is one of the best, most fiscally responsible ways to reform our health insurance system. ... Much of the public identifies a public option as the key component of health care reform -- and as the best thing we can do to stand up for regular people against big insurance companies.”

Senator Bennet’s office is located at 2300 15th St. Suite 450.
Please contact Jenny Godehn for media inquiries at 720-373-0301

The David Sirota Show can be heard on AM 760 weekdays from 7am – 10am.

While the reality is grim for the public option, if it could get through the Senate it would likely make it through the house without much trouble. There is one big question: can the public option be considered in reconciliation?

There is no definite answer to that right now. Many progressives would argue that since it reduces the deficit there is a direct relation to the budget, while some would say the savings are indirect and therefore it cannot be included in a reconciliation package. I suspect it would be allowed, but I highly doubt the Senate will take it up. But, as I said, should they take it up and pass it they need not worry about the house doing the same.

ps: Sirota is also sending around a link to sign the petition.