Six months ago today, Will Urquhart and I sat in my basement and signed the paperwork to officially create Sum of Change Productions, LLC. With nothing but a camera and a couple laptops, we set out to use our respective political organizing and documentary production experiences to build a multimedia company that explains and discusses the most relevant issues of society in a simple yet substantial way. Thanks to you, our first six months have yielded over 125 independently produced videos that have been viewed over 50,000 times collectively. On this anniversary we would like to thank you for helping us reach these milestones.
Though I am very appreciateve for the support, I would like to ask for your continued help in order to grow our email list. Please send a message to 10 friends who you think would appreciate our material and ask them to join our email list.
I'm proud that our videos have been featured on NPR, The Nation, Daily Kos, and The Huffington Post, but we are working to directly share our films with our viewers. It is through these personal connections that we are able to learn about important ideas and movements and make them more accessible. We want to expand the scope, depth, and influence of our coverage and your grassroots support will help us to do so.
We would like you to send this message to 10 socially conscious friends and ask them to join our email list. Tell them why you follow us and why they should too.
By doing so, you will help us reach our goals for the next six months of tripling our email list and breaking 150,000 views. With your continued support, we plan on increasing our output and effectiveness, expanding our network of contributing editors and eventually launching a user generated blog, so that people all over the world can share their own stories.
Please send this to 10 friends and ask them to join our email list. You'll not only be helping us grow, but you'll be building a grassroots network that can affect real change in America.
Thanks again for your continued support. I am proud and honored to have you with us.

Mitch Malasky
Managing Partner - Sum of Change